- 12th International Armament Conference
- 16th International Detonation Symposium - CALL FOR ABSTRACTS OPEN
- 2016 Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Technology Symposium Review
- 3000th MSIAC Technical Question
- 8th International Nitrocellulose Symposium
- Accident Reporting 2015
- Accident Reporting April 2020 – November 2020
- Accident Reporting August 2016 – December 2016
- Accident Reporting February - July 2016
- Accident Reporting January 2017 – August 2017
- Accident Reporting January 2022 (India)
- Accident Reporting January 2022- April 2022
- Accident Reporting July 2023 (Greece)
- Accident Reporting June 2019 – April 2020
- Accident Reporting June 2023 (USA)
- Accident Reporting June 2024 (Chad)
- Accident Reporting March 2023 (France)
- Accident Reporting May 2018 – June 2019
- Accident Reporting May 2021 - December 2021
- Accident Reporting May 2023 (Sweden)
- Accident Reporting November 2015 - January 2016
- Accident Reporting November 2020 - April 2021
- Accident Reporting October 2022 (Bulgaria)
- Accident Reporting Overview 2015
- Accident Reporting September 2017 – April 2018
- Accidents 2010
- Accidents 2011
- Accidents 2012
- Accidents April – July 2013
- Accidents February, June and July 2014
- Accidents January - February 2014
- Accidents January - March 2013
- Accidents July - August 2014
- Accidents July - September 2013
- Accidents October - December 2013
- Announcing the 2016 MSIAC Munition Safety Award Call for Nominations
- Announcing the MSIAC IM Design Tools Webinar
- Announcing the MSIAC IM Design Tools Webinar
- Announcing the MSIAC Improved Explosives and Munitions Risk Management (IEMRM) Workshop
- Announcing the MSIAC Munition Safety Awards 2019
- Announcing the Munition Safety Awards 2024
- Applicability of Munition Safety Standards
- Benefits of IM on Static and Operational Storage
- Benefits of IM: Stokes Fellow Project
- Bulletin April 2021
- Bulletin December 2021
- Bulletin December 2022
- Bulletin May 2022
- Bulletin May 2023
- Bulletin May 2024
- Bulletin November 2023
- Bulletin November 2024
- Bulletin September 2021
- Data Loggers Providing Insight Into Actual Field Conditions
- Defect Lexicon Questionnaire
- Early announcement of MSIAC workshop in 2018 : Improved Explosives and Munitions Risk Management
- Early Job Announcement
- Energetic Materials Compendium (EMC) v5.0
- Energetic Materials Round Up
- Energetic Materials Round Up
- Energetic Materials Suppliers Catalogue – Contributions Sought
- Experimental and Theoretical basis of current NATO Standards for safe storage of ammunition and explosives
- Explosives Safety and Munitions Risk Management
- Explosives Safety Munitions Risk Management (ESMRM)
- Finding Data from Unexpected Sources
- Hazard Classification Trainee Project
- Hold your TEMPER
- Job Announcement - Propulsion Technology
- Job Vacancies - TSO EM and TSO E3M
- Job Vacancy - Project Manager
- Job Vacancy - TSO Munition Systems
- Job Vacancy - TSO Propulsion Technology
- MSIAC - Reflection on 25 Years Supporting the Munition Safety Community
- MSIAC General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- MSIAC IM Award Winners 2013
- MSIAC is looking for a new Chairman of the Steering Committee!
- MSIAC Munition Safety Award 2016 - nominations closed!
- MSIAC Munition Safety Award 2018 - Call for Nominations
- MSIAC Munition Safety Award 2019 - Call for Nominations
- MSIAC Munition Safety Award 2024 - Call for Nominations
- MSIAC Munition Safety Awards 2015
- MSIAC Science of Cook Off Workshop - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
- MSIAC Science of Cook-Off Workshop 2016
- MSIAC to host Web-Enabled Virtual Meetings and Presentations
- MSIAC Tools - Designed to Help you!
- MSIAC Website Availability
- MSIAC welcomes 2 trainees from ENSTA Bretagne until 2 September 2016
- MSIAC Workshop on Defects - Causes, Classification and Criticality: Virtual Plenary Session (9th / 10th / 11th March 2021)
- MSIAC Workshop: Pushing the Limits – Performance and Safety
- MSIAC Workshop: Science of Cook Off - 2016
- MTM - Looking for BETA- TESTERS !
- Munitions Health Management Initiative Kicks Off
- my stache is against cancer!!!
- New Date for MSIAC Workshop: Defects – Causes, Classification & Criticality
- New Vacancy at MSIAC: Technical Specialist Munitions Materials Technology
- New Website - Weblink Access
- Newsletter 1 - 2016
- Newsletter 1 - 2017
- Newsletter 1 - 2018
- Newsletter 1 - 2019
- Newsletter 1 - 2020
- Newsletter 2 - 2016
- Newsletter 2 - 2018
- Newsletter 2 - 2020
- Newsletter 2 -2017
- Newsletter 2 -2019
- Newsletter 3 - 2018
- Newsletter 3 - 2019
- Newsletter 3 - 2020
- Newsletter 3 -2016
- Newsletter 3 -2017
- Newsletter 4 - 2017
- Newsletter Q1-2014
- Newsletter Q1-2015
- Newsletter Q2-2014
- Newsletter Q2-2015
- Newsletter Q3-2014
- Newsletter Q3-2015
- Newsletter Q4-2014
- Newsletter Q4-2015
- Newsletters 2010
- Newsletters 2011
- Newsletters 2012
- Newsletters 2013
- Patent: Assembly and Methods for Standardized Insensitive Munitions Testing
- Patent: Ballistic Modification and Solventless Double Base Propellant, and Process Thereof
- Patent: Compounded High Explosive Composites for Impact Mitigation
- Patent: Degradation of TATP, TNT andRDX using Mechanically Alloyed Metals
- Patent: Dinitropyrazole Derivatives, their Preparation, and Energetic Compositions comprising them.
- Patent: HEXAAZA [3.3.3] PROPELLANE Compounds as Key Intermediates for New Molecular Explosives and a Method for Preparing the same
- Patent: Munition with a Variable Explosive Power
- Patent: Munition, Charge for such a Munition, and Method of Manufacturing such a Munition
- Patent: Shock Mititgation Barrier for Warheads
- Patents 2013
- PM's Perspective - December 2016
- PM's Perspective - May 2017
- Procurement Q1-2010
- Procurement Q1-2011
- Procurement Q1-2012
- Procurement Q2-2011
- Procurement Q2-2012
- Procurement Q3-2012
- Procurement, Science and Technology Q3-2014
- Procurement, Science and Technology - February 2017
- Procurement, Science and Technology 2013
- Procurement, Science and Technology JUNE 2016
- Procurement, Science and Technology Q1-2014
- Procurement, Science and Technology Q1-2015
- Procurement, Science and Technology Q2-2014
- Procurement, Science and Technology Q2-2015
- Procurement, Science and Technology Q4-2014
- Procurements, Science and Technology Q3-2015
- Projection Criteria for Insensitive Munitions and Hazard Classification
- Promulgation of AASTP-1 Edition C
- Questionnaire on Data Collection in IM/HC tests
- Questionnaire on novel processing technologies applied to Energetic Materials (EM)
- Registrations for the Integrated Munitions Health Management workshop are now OPEN
- Release of MSIAC Safety Assessment Software (SASo) Version 4.0
- Resodyn Acoustic Mixer (RAM) Survey - Your help is still needed!
- Resodyn Acoustic Mixer (RAM) Survey – Your help needed
- Separation Distances at Naval Ports
- STANAG 4375 Survey – Review of Safety Drop Heights
- Survey on Gun Launch Explosive Setback
- Survey on IM HC Harmonisation and Improved Explosives and Munitions Risk Management
- Survey on In-Service Surveillance and Stability testing
- Survey on Temperature and Heat Flux Measurements
- Survey on the IM Assessment of munitions or other items expected to have low consequence
- Training to NATO Standards
- Training to NATO Standards
- United Nations Changes to Explosives Hazard Classification Benchmarks
- Update of MSIAC tools for the IM community
- Upgrade works for the MSIAC Portal applications
- What's going on in AC/326 and its sub-groups?
- What’s going on in AC/326 and its Sub-groups
- Accident Posters
- Benjamin B. Stokes Fellowship
- Cookie Policy (EU)
- Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance (HERO) Questionnaire
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- Survey for IM Design Tools Webinar – 3rd May 2023
- Use of content
- What is MSIAC ?
- 2nd Technical Meeting: Impact of Resonant Acoustic Mixing (RAM) on Munitions Safety and Suitability for Service
- AASTP-1 & AASTP-5 Lecture Series
- Defects - Causes, Classification and Criticality
- Improved Explosives and Munitions Risk Management
- Integrated Munitions Health Management
- Pushing The Limits – Performance and Safety
- Technical Meeting: Energetic Materials Qualification
- Technical Meeting: Energetic Materials Qualification
- Technical meeting: HD 1.3 issues
- Technical Meeting: Impact of Resonant Acoustic Mixing (RAM) on Munitions Safety and Suitability for Service
- Technical Meeting: Insensitive Munitions and Hazard Classification Harmonisation
- Technical Meeting: Non-Destructive Testing of Munitions
- Webinar: IM Design Tools
- Advanced IM Search (AIMS)
- Analytical Response Models (ARM)
- Cost Benefit Analysis Model (CBAM)
- Energetic Materials Compendium (EMC)
- IM State-of-the-Art (IMSOA)
- Mitigation Technologies for Munitions (MTM)
- MSIAC Accident Database Exchange (MADx)
- MSIAC CYLinder Expansion database (MCYLEX)
- MSIAC Quantity Distance Consequence Analysis Tool (MQDCAT)
- Munition Safety Standards Database (MSaS)
- NIMIC Excel Worksheets on GAp TESts (NEWGATES)
- Safety Assessment Software (SASO)
- Toolbox of Engineering Models for the Prediction of Explosive Reactions (TEMPER)
Areas Expertise
Staff Members
- L-001 Development of a Methodology for Evaluating the Vulnerability of Munitions
- L-002 Munition Safety Documentation; Documentation sur la sécurité des munitions
- L-003 Survey of recent works on the Mechanisms of Ballistic Impacts on Munitions or Energetic Materials
- L-004 The proposed program for the characterisation of New Ingredients for Energetic Materials
- L-005 Proceedings of the 1992 NIMIC Workshop on Bullet/Fragment Impact
- L-006 Ed1 The NIMIC coordinated characterization programme
- L-007 Ballistic Impacts on Munitions - Sensitivity of Energetic Materials when Fractured or Granular (Survey of Recent Works 1987-1992)
- L-008 Summary of NIMIC 1992 Workshop on Bullet/Fragment Impact and plans for future workshops
- L-009 A Compilation of New Formulations for Insensitive Munitions
- L-010 Compilation of Recent CPIA Papers Related to Cookoff Threat Hazard Scenarios Initiation Mechanisms and Modelling
- L-011 Proceedings of the 1993 NIMIC Workshop on Cookoff
- L-012 Ways and Methods to Insensitive Munitions - IM recipes - Vers les Munitions à Risques Atténués - Recettes de muratisation
- L-013 A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Threat Hazards to Military Munitions
- L-014 Proceedings of the NIMIC 1993 Workshop on Sensitivity of Energetic Materials when Fractured or Granular
- L-015 IM Policies and achievements National Policies and International Cooperations in the field of Insensitive Munitions
- L-016a Summary of NIMIC 1993 Workshop on Cookoff
- L-016b Summary of NIMIC 1993 Workshop on sensitivity of Energetic Materials when fractured or granular
- L-017 A statistical analysis of safety test results and implications for insensitive munitions
- L-019 A Logic Tree for the Development of New Energetic Materials for Military Use
- L-020 Proceedings of the NIMIC Specialists Meeting on "Streamlining Safety Testing for Munitions
- L-021 Proceedings of the NIMIC Workshop on "What makes a useable New Energetic Material ?
- L-022 THAMES, Version 2.0 User's Guide
- L-023 Sympathetic Reactions Between Munitions
- L-024 Proceedings of the Sympathetic reactions between munitions Workshop
- L-025 Survey of Works on Cookoff Mechanisms Modeling Testing & mitigation
- L-026 Survey of Works on XDT Mechanisms (Period 1992-1995)
- L-027 Summary of NIMIC 1994 Workshop on What Makes a Useable New Energetic Material ?
- L-028 Shaped Charge Jet Impingement on Energetic Materials and Munitions Workshop Literature Survey
- L-029 Shaped Charge Jet Impingement on Energetic Materials and Munitions Workshop - Guidelines for working groups technical agendas
- L-030 Survey on The Sensitivity of Energetic Components and Substances to Electrostatics: Mechanisms, Modeling and Standards in Defense
- L-031 The hazard analysis methods in the civilian sector to aid threat hazard assessments for munitions
- L-032 Thesis on Analysis of Fragment Impact Tests
- L-033 Proceedings of the Shaped Charge Jet Impingement on Energetic Materials and Munitions
- L-034 Summary of 1996 NIMIC-KTA-4-20 Workshop on Cookoff and XDT Mechanisms
- L-035 The Hazard Analysis methods in the civilian sector to aid threat hazard assessments for munitions
- L-036v1 Presentations of NIMIC 1996 Workshop on "Cookoff and XDT Mechanisms" - Vol. I (Revised) + Vol. II : Group Discussions Conclusions and Annexes
- L-036v2 Cookoff and XDT Mechanisms Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 1 (Rev.) - Presentations; Vol. 2 - Group Discussions, Conclusions and Annexes
- L-037 IM Testing: Response Descriptions
- L-038 NIMIC Report on the Meeting to Discuss Thermal Threat-Stimuli and their Effects
- L-039 The NIMIC IM Testing Approach
- L-040 IM TESTING Volume I: Presentations made at Phase I of the NIMIC IM Testing Workshop held 20-23 May 1997 at the NATO HQ, Brussels, Belgium
- L-041 IM TESTING Volume II: Group Discussions, Conclusions and Annexes from Phase I of the NIMIC IM Testing Workshop held 20-23 May 1997 at the NATO HQ, Brussels, Belgium
- L-042 Comparison of Existing Test Procedures for Bullet, Fragment and Shaped Charge Jet Impact
- L-043 Glossary of Terms (Rev.1) Prepared for Phase II of the NIMIC Workshop on IM Testing
- L-044 IM TESTING Volume III: Presentations made at Phase II of the NIMIC IM Testing Workshop held 17-21 November 1997 at DSTO, Adelaide, Australia
- L-045 IM TESTING Volume IV: Group Reports of Phase II of the NIMIC IM Testing Workshop held 17-21 November 1997 at DSTO, Adelaide, Australia
- L-046 Gun propellant formulations and characteristics ; Formulations et caractéristiques de poudres pour armes
- L-047 IM TESTING Volume V: A Synopsis of the NIMIC Workshops on IM Testing held 20-23 May 1998 at NATO HQ, Brussels, Belgium and 17-21 November 1997 at DSTO, Adelaide, Australia
- L-048 Defining Common Potential Threat in a Munition's Service Life
- L-049 Training Course Report - Part 2: Information on GAM EG 13 and GAM DRAM 01&02 (English Version)
- L-050 THAMES User Group (TUG 98) Proceedings of a Workshop held at TNO, Rijswijk, The Netherlands on 7-11 September 1998
- L-051 Mitigation Methods for Munitions (M3)
- L-052 Discussion on the IM and Hazard Class Test Methods
- L-053 A guidance methodology for conducting threat and hazard assessments
- L-054 Rev Glossary of Terms
- L-055 THAMES 3.0 Users' Manual Version 1
- L-056 Insensitive Munitions (IM) Assessment
- L-057 Help documentation for the NIMIC Energetic Materials Compendium (EMC)
- L-058 Initiation Modelling
- L-059 Previous NIMIC Workshop Conclusions Relevant To The Small Scale Testing And Modelling Workshop, Fort Walton Beach
- L-060 List Of Small Scale Test (1st Draft)
- L-061 Initiation and Materials Properties
- L-062 Probing Critical Ignition, Reaction Growth And Deflagration Mechanisms
- L-063 Vol1 Small-scale testing & modelling - Volume I
- L-063 Vol2 Small-scale testing & modelling - Volume II
- L-064 Issue 2 Summary of Conclusions from NIMIC Workshops (1992-2001)
- L-065 Report on the March 2000 Thames User Group Meetings
- L-066 The NIMIC Workshop on Small-Scale Testing and Modeling
- L-067 Background Paper to the NIMIC Risk Workshop
- L-068 Risk Workshop: An Introduction to the Cost Benefit Analysis Workshop
- L-069 NIMIC: Custodian of the Hazard Assessment Protocols.
- L-070 Assessing the Risk and the Cost Benefits Associated with the Introduction of Insensitive Munitions; Part 1 - The Risk Issues, Proceedings.
- L-071 THAMES 2000 User's Manual
- L-072 Synopsis of the Risk Workshop and Discussion Group Reports. Assessing the risk and cost benefits associated with the introduction of IM - Part 1 - The Risk Issues.
- L-073 If Saddam or Milosevic were to have had Insensitive Munitions (Learning from modern conflicts)
- L-074 Benefits and costs of Insensitive Munitions: Literature Survey and Highlights
- L-075 A Proposed NIMIC Cost and Benefit Analysis Model (CBAM)
- L-076 Assessing the Risk and the Cost Benefits Associated with the Introduction of Insensitive Munitions, Part 2: Cost Benefit Analysis of the Introduction of Insensitive Munitions - Proceedings
- L-077 Assessing the Risk and the Cost Benefits Associated with the Introduction of Insensitive Munitions, Part 2: Cost Benefit Analysis - Final Report
- L-078 A Recent Accident involving Non-IM: PAK CHONG Accident (Thailand - 25/10/2001)
- L-079 Ed2 Mitigation Methods for Munitions (M3) Version 1.06 User Manual
- L-080 Outline of the NIMIC - AC/310 Workshop on Insensitive Munitions Assessment Methodology
- L-081 The Munition Acquisition Process: the Framework for the IM Assessment Methodology
- L-082 Inventory of Assessment Methodologies of Munitions Related Communities (Safety & Suitability for Service, Hazard Classification and Vulnerability/Lethality)
- L-083 The Use of Small-Scale Testing and Modelling in IM Assessment
- L-084 IM Signatures, Hazard Divisions and Labelling
- L-085 Insensitive Munitions Assessment Methodology: Proceedings of the NIMIC / AC/310 Workshop
- L-086 Ed2 Fragment Impact Testing: MSIAC's Review and Proposal
- L-087 Fragment Impact Testing: NIMICS Review and Proposal - Summary
- L-088 Accidents Involving Munitions around the World and Cook-off Reaction Mechanisms
- L-089 IM Assessment Methodology Workshop, Final Report
- L-090 Nimic Nations Collaborative Efforts In Shock Modelling - Reactive Models For Hydrocodes: Past, Present & Future
- L-091 Rev Insensitive Munitions National Policies: the Key Differences
- L-092 A Review of IM Technology for Rocket Motors
- L-093 The Contribution of Packaging to reduced Vulnerability Munitions
- L-094 Ed2 IM Issues related to Gun Propelling Charges Design
- L-095 Insensitive Munitions Fuzes and Warheads: IM Design Technology State-of-the-Art
- L-096 IM Technology for Solid Propellant Rocket Motors - A Post IM Design Technology Workshop
- L-097 Assessing Thermal Threats
- L-098 A Threat Hazard Assessment (THA) Methodology
- L-099 Updated Review of Ignitions Mechanisms and Small-Scale Tests Related to CookOff
- L-100 Program Risk Reduction applied to Risk-based IM Assessment
- L-101 The State of the Art of IM Design Technology
- L-102 RS-RDX: Literature Review and Discussions
- L-103 RS-RDX Technical Meeting Report
- L-104 The NIMIC Cost Benefit Analysis Model: User Guide and Input Data Compilation
- L-105 An Overview of the Operational Environmental Data Used for the Assessment of Ammunition Safety within NATO
- L-106 Ed6 Directory of Insensitive Munitions and Hazard Classification Testing Facilities 6th Edition
- L-107 Minutes of the Debris From Explosions Technical Meeting
- L-108 Summary of Conclusions from NIMIC Workshops (1992-2003).
- L-109 Composite Rocket Motor Case Technology for Tactical Missiles
- L-110 TEMPER V1.0 (Toolbox of Engineering Models For the Prediction of Explosive Reactions) Users/Developers Manual
- L-111 Insensitive Munitions: The Effect of Ageing upon Lifecycle Workshop - Proceedings - Part 1 Plenary Programme
- L-112 Insensitive Munitions: The Effect of Ageing Upon Life Cycle Workshop - Part II - Summary and Minutes
- L-113 Insensitive Munitions: The Effect of Ageing Upon Life Cycle Workshop - Part III (MSIAC RESTRICTED
- L-114 Testing Methods for RS-RDX Round Robin (R4) Programme
- L-115 Rev Comparison of Vulnerability and Performance of Insensitive Munitions (IM) and Non-IM Directed Energy Warheads
- L-116 A Review of the Use of HTPE in Rocket Motor Propellants
- L-117 The MSIAC Modified Sympathetic Reaction and Shaped Charge Jet Impact TTCP WAG-11 Protocols
- L-118 Review of Demilitarisation and Disposal Techniques for Munitions and Related Materials
- L-119 A review of fuze booster compositions for use in IM applications
- L-120 A review of ElectroExplosive Device Technologies
- L-121 Minutes of the IM Ageing Meeting held in Melbourne, Australia on 7 November 2005
- L-122 App11 IM signatures Protecting Munitions Against Shoulder Launched Weapon Terrorist Attacks
- L-122 Rev Defence Against Terrorism: Identification of the Most Credible Terrorist Standoff Weapons
- L-123 Minutes of the Workshop on Debris Data, Analysis, and Modeling
- L-124 Rapid IM Prioritisation methodology
- L-125 Rocket Propellant Critical Diametre Issues
- L-126 Designing for Insensitive Munitions (IM)
- L-127 RS-RDX Round Robin Preliminary Results Analysis
- L-128 NATO Survey of Cost and Benefit Analysis Model (CBAM) Holders
- L-129 Minutes of the RS-RDX Round Robin (R4) Technical Meeting #2
- L-130 Minutes of the RS-RDX Round Robin (R4) Technical Meeting, ICT 2006
- L-131 Ed2 Implementing a Sympathetic Reaction Analytical Model in TEMPER: Setting the Stage
- L-131 Implementing a Sympathetic Reaction Analytical Model in TEMPER: Setting the Stage
- L-132 TNT Equivalency: Misconceptions and Reality
- L-133 Suggestions for Harmonisation of AC/326 and UN Explosive Substance Tests
- L-134 Minutes from the Analysis and Modeling Working Group Meeting - Part 2
- L-135 Status of Available Reduced Vulnerability Gun Propellants
- L-136 Europe's Anti-Terrorism Protection Construction Strategy
- L-137 Ed2 TEMPER V2.2 Tutorial
- L-138 Implementation of New Stimulus and Model in TEMPER v2.0
- L-139 TEMPER v2.2 - User's Manual Edition 2
- L-140 IM Design Technology - Payloads
- L-141 Reduced Environmental Impact Munitions and Insensitive Munitions
- L-142 Insensitive Explosive Materials: 1. 4,10-Dinitro-2,6,8,12-tetraoxo-4, 10-diazatetracyclo-[,9.03,11]dodecane - TEX
- L-143 Synthesis Report. NATO Activities Related to Munitions Safety and Standardization and Munitions Safety and Standardization (MSAS) Database
- L-144 Ed2 Munitions Safety and Standardization Database (MSAS) User Manual for MSAS 1.0
- L-145 Explosion Effects Software
- L-146 Ed2 HEAT Version 1.0 Fast & Slow Cook Off Database User's Manual
- L-147 Insensitive Munitions Response Descriptors Technical Meeting - Summary Report - Session I
- L-148 Newgates Ed4 - version 1.11 - User Guide
- L-149 Sympathetic Reaction (SYR) Database Version 1.2 User Guide
- L-150 MSIAC Self-Audit Procedure of IM/HC Test Organizations' Competences and Capabilities Edition 4
- L-151 DARTS – Database of Ammunition Reaction Trials to Shaped Charge Agression Version 1.0 User Guide
- L-152 155mm HE Artillery Shells, IM State-of-the-Art
- L-153 Insensitive Munitions Response Descriptors Summary Report
- L-154 Sub-Scale vulnerability Testing for Granular Propellants
- L-155 Survey on State-of-the-Art Near-Infrared Emitting Compositions for Flares and Tracers
- L-156 The Counter-IED Efforts of the Dutch Forces – A Review of the IED Counter-measures Implemented by the Dutch Forces
- L-157 IM State-of-the-Art on Mortar Shells
- L-158 Sensitivity of Nanoscale Energetic Materials I - High Explosives
- L-159 Insensitive Explosive Materials: 2. 2,6-Diamino-3,5-Dinitro-1,4-Pyrazine-1-Oxide ANPZO
- L-160 The Relation Between Sensitivity Parameters and the Molecular Structure of Energetic Materials
- L-161 IM Design Technologies - Gun Propellants
- L-162 Sensitivity of Nanoscale Energetic Materials 2: Fuels, Pyrolants and Propellants
- L-163 Insensitive Explosive Materials: III. Brief Status of IHE Materials Currently Considered
- L-164 Calculated Detonation Performance of Nitro- and Nitro-/Amino-Substituted Borazene, Borazine and Iminoborane
- L-165 Volumetric Explosives Part 1: Fuel/Air Explosives
- L-166 Review of Expendable Infrared Countermeasures
- L-167 Fragment Impact Database (FRAID) Version 1.10 - User Guide
- L-168 Recent Developments in IM Bombs
- L-169 Compendium of Interior Ballistic Codes for Guns
- L-170 Bullet Impact Results Database (BIRD) Version 1.4 User Guide
- L-171 Insensitive Explosive Materials: IV - Azoxytriazolon
- L-172 Rev Insensitive Explosive Materials: III - 2,3' - Diamino-4,4' - Azoxyfurazan - DAAF
- L-173 Insensitive Explosive Materials: V - New Less Sensitive Energetic Materials
- L-174 Insensitive Explosive Munitions Technology Gaps Workshop
- L-175 Insensitive Explosive Materials: VII - Guanylurea Dinitramide GUDN
- L-176 MSIAC Draft Guidance Note on the S3 Assessment of Mitigation devices
- L-177 MSIAC Comments on the Austrian 155mm Flick Ramming Accident
- L-178 Insensitive Explosive Materials: VIII - 1,1-Diamino-2,2 Dinitroethylene, DADNE
- L-179 IM-HC Insensitive Munition and Hazard Classification Testing Workshop Proposal
- L-180 SASO User Guide for Version v1.2.10
- L-181 Comparison of Safety Management Systems – Interim Report
- L-182 MSIAC IM Technology GAPS Workshop – Output from the Working Group on Gun Propulsion Technology
- L-183 MSIAC IM Technology GAPS Workshop – Output from the Rocket Motor Technology Discussion Group
- L-184 Change1 MSIAC IM Technology GAPS Workshop - Output Sessions II and III on Munitions in Operations.
- L-185 Management of Rocket Motors containing Asbestos
- L-186 MSIAC Final Report on the 2014 Shaped Charge Jet Workshop
- L-187 Through-life environmental assessment
- L-188 Detonics and Response Mechanisms - SCJ Workshop Appendix E
- L-189 Small Scale Testing - SCJ Workshop Appendix F
- L-190 Modelling - SCJ Workshop Appendix G
- L-191 Test set-up session - SCJ Workshop Appendix_H
- L-192 Integrated Munitions Health Management (IMHM)
- L-193 Munition Health Monitoring – Feedback from the use of Environmental Data Loggers
- L-194 MSIAC Science Of Cook Off Workshop Information Package
- L-195 State of the Art Overview of Cook Off Simulation
- L-196 Catalogue of Environmental Testing
- L-197 Gun propellant cook-off discussion white paper
- L-198 Polymer Bonded Explosives (PBX) Cook-Off Discussion White Pater
- L-199 Compendium of Mitigation Technologies for Rocket Motors
- L-201 Critical Diameter Test Methods
- L-202 Critical Diameter Correlations
- L-203 Science of Cook-Off Workshop - Final Report
- L-204 Ignition and Growth Focus Area
- L-205 Material Damage Focus Area
- L-206 Violence of Reaction Focus Area
- L-207 Chemistry and Material Parameters
- L-208 Chemistry and Material Process Focus Area
- L-209 Small Scaled Test Focus Area
- L-210 Modelling Focus Area
- L-212 Use of Laboratory Setback Activator Tests to assess Suitability for Gun Launch
- L-213 Material Parameters for IM related modeling and simulation efforts
- L-214 Modular Charge Systems - A review
- L-215 A Review Of International Hazard Classification
- L-216 An overview of Shear Ignition of High Explosives
- L-217 Ageing Of Munition Materials
- L-218 Material Selection And Property-Processing Implications In Additive Manufactured Materials For Munitions
- L-219 Lifecycle of flare countermeasures Report 1 Flare countermeasure overview
- L-220 Lifecycle of flare countermeasures Report 2 Manufacture to disposal
- L-221 Lifecycle of flare countermeasures Report 3 Ageing and degradation
- L-222 Life Assessment of NC Based Energetic Materials
- L-223 Physical Effects and Consequences from Detonations and Less Violent Munition Responses
- L-224 Reaction Mechanisms For Rocket Motors to Mechanical Threats
- L-226 Mitigation Technologies for Warheads
- L-227 Probabilistic Aspects Of Munition Initiation Due To Fragment Impact
- L-228 History of Natural Fragmentation Models
- L-229 Experimental and Theoretical Basis of QDs Edition 2
- L-230 Chemical Compatibility Test Methods
- L-231 IEMRM Focus Area 1A: Improved Criteria for HD Assignment
- L-232 IEMRM - Focus Area 1B: Applicability of HD assignment to storage
- L-233 IEMRM Focus Area 2A: Internal Blast and Debris
- L-234 IEMRM Focus Area 2B: Fragmentation
- L-235 IEMRM Focus Area 2C: External Blast
- L-236 IEMRM Focus Area 2D: Thermal Effects
- L-237 IEMRM Focus Area 2E: Probability of Event
- L-238 IEMRM Focus Area 3A: Deployed missions and operations & 3B: Storage in home country
- L-239 IEMRM - Summary of Conclusions
- L-240 Common Processes Used for Explosives and Propellants
- L-241 Booster Reliability Test Matrix Preliminary Report
- L-242 A Shock Initiation Model for Fragment Impact of Energetic Materials
- L-244 Resonantacoustic® Mixing: Processing And Safety
- L-245 Resonant Acoustic Mixing Applied to Energetic Material
- L-246 Resonant Acoustic Mixing Performance and Optimization for Energetic Materials
- L-247 Additive manufacturing for energetic materials
- L-248 Variability of Munition Response to Operational and Peace Time Threats
- L-249 Mitigation Techniques for Small Calibre Munitions and Flares
- L-250 Defect Detection And Characterization Capability Study For Energetic Materials
- L-251 Conclusions From The MSIAC Technical Meeting On EM Qualification
- L-252 Specification of the MSIAC Quantity Distance Consequence Analysis Tool (MQDCAT) V2.4
- L-253 Instrumentation Techniques BLAST
- L-254 Analytical Response Models (ARM) Application Specification Edition 2
- L-255 Instrumentation Techniques Velocity of Detonation
- L-256 A Taxonomy For The Classification Of Defects In Energetic Materials
- L-257 Life Cycle Cost Method And Examples For Munition Health Monitoring
- L-258 Defects Lexicon Survey Results & Agreed Terms
- L-260 Defects: Causes, Classification & Criticality Virtual Plenary Sessions 9th – 11th March 2021 Program & List of Abstracts
- L-261 TNT Exudation, Crystal Growth and Ageing
- L-262 TNT Equivalency of Energetic Materials: Review and Best Practices
- L-263 Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Munitions Part 1: Microwave and Terahertz Radiation
- L-264 Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Munitions Part 2: X-Ray, Gamma and Neutron Radiation
- L-265 Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Munitions Part 3: Hazards of Portable Electronic Devices to Munitions
- L-266 International Review of ISS Practices
- L-267 Resonant Acoustic Mixing: Qualification Challenges
- L-268 The Application of Herd Immunity to Munitions Safety
- L-269 Review of EMQ Tests - Part 1 Friction Sensitivity
- L-270 Mechanical and Thermal Properties: Description and Test
- L-271 Defects: Causes, Classification & Criticality Virtual Plenary Sessions Report Focus Area 1: Origin of Defects
- L-272 Defects: Causes, Classification & Criticality Virtual Plenary Sessions Report Focus Area 2: Detection of Defects
- L-273 Defects: Causes, Classification & Criticality Virtual Plenary Sessions Report Focus Area 3: Consequences of Defects
- L-274 Defects: Causes, Classification & Criticality Virtual Plenary Sessions Report Focus Area 4: Criticality of Defects
- L-277 - Tolerability of Risk Part III: Ammunition Storage, Range Safety and Demolition
- L-278 Injury & Lethality Criteria from Thermal Radiation
- L-279 MSIAC Technical Meeting HD 1.3 Issues
- L-280 Mixing Rules for Energetic Materials: Transport Properties
- L-281 Lifing Approaches and Ageing Algorithms
- L-282 Novel Approaches to S3 Assessment
- L-283 Recent Vulnerability Events due to Non-IM Munitions
- L-284 Critical Diameter and Shaped Charge Jet Impact
- L-285 MSIAC Technical Questions Annual Summary Report 2021
- L-286 Thermomechanical Fatigue An Introduction
- L-287 Mixing Rules for Energetic Materials Elastic Constants
- L-289 Release Notes for MQDCAT v2.6
- L-290 IM Policies Across the Nations
- L-291 IM Threats vs Real World Threats
- L-292 MSIAC TQ Annual Report 2022
- L-294 The Effect of Ageing on IM Response
- L-295 TNT Equivalence of Black Powder and its Gurney and Mott Constants
- L-296 An International Review of STANAG 4488 Gap Testing
- L-297 Loitering Munitions
- L-298 Review of Energetic Materials Qualification Tests - Part 2: Impact Sensitivity
- L-299 New Electromagnetic Spectrum Concerns for HERO: Considerations of Material Heating, the Traditional Bridgewire Effect, and Waveform Effects on EIDs
- L-300 MSIAC Technical Questions Annual Summary Report 2023
- L-302 Transport of Munitions by Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Safety Considerations
- L-303 - Mixing Rules for Energetic Materials: Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Relationships with Elastic Modulus placed Under Review
- L200 - Benefits of IM for Storage and Operations
- L225 – IEMRM Detailed Programme and abstracts incl Annex E
- O-001 Le NIMIC
- O-002 NATO Insensitive Munitions Information Center (NIMIC)
- O-003 NIMIC: An Evolution to a Revolution
- O-004 Think Before Testing!
- O-005f Le NIMIC: Un centre de coopération internationale au service des MURAT
- O-006 A Cooperation Programme for the Characterisation of New Energetic Materials
- O-007 Operational Hazards and Solution Tradeoffs
- O-008 New Ingredients and Propellants
- O-009 The Results of the Experts Group Meeting on Qualification/Characterization Testing of Explosive Foil Initiators for Explosive Systems
- O-010 Overview of National Policies and International Cooperations on IM
- O-011 Ways and Methods to Insensitive Munitions: IM Recipes - Version 1
- O-012 About the Misuse of Detonation Velocities for the Characterization of High Explosives
- O-013 Streamlining Safety Testing for Munitions
- O-014 A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Threat Hazards to Military munitions
- O-015 A Statistical Analysis of Safety Test Results and Implications for Insensitive Munitions
- O-016 What Makes a Useable New Energetic Material?
- O-017 NIMIC: An International Cooperation for Less Vulnerable Munitions
- O-018 Studying Explosive Munitions as Ballistic Targets
- O-019 PAMMIS: NIMIC Achivements and Perspectives
- O-020 NIMIC: Why? How?
- O-021 A Methodology Software for Evaluating Potential Threat Hazards to Military Munitions (THAMES Version 2.0)
- O-022 Guidance on Development, Assessment and Testing of Insensitive Munitions
- O-023 Ways and Methods to Insensitive Munition: IM Recipes, Version 2
- O-024 Summary of NIMIC 1995 Workshop on Sympathetic Reactions Between Munitions
- O-025 A New Approach to Assessment and Design of Insensitive Muntiions by Analysis of Critical Response Mechanisms to Unplanned Stimuli
- O-026 Analysing Potential Threats and Hazards to Military Munitions Using THAMES (Version 2.0)
- O-027 Insensitive Munitions National Policies - An Overview
- O-028 ASTRID: The Ammunition Safety Test Reports International Database
- O-029 A New Approach to Assessment and Design of Insensitive Munitions by Analysis of Critical Mechanisms that may be Initiated by Unplanned Stimuli
- O-030 NIMIC: From a Center of IM Information to its Involvement in Weapons Development
- O-031 Summary of the NIMIC Workshop on Shaped Charge Jet Impingement on Energetic Materials and Munitions
- O-032 NIMIC Insensitive Munitions Award
- O-033 Workshop on Insensitive Munitions Testing - Report on Phase 1
- O-034 Summary of 1997 NIMIC Workshop on Testing of Fast Heating, Slow Heating and Sympathetic Reactions: US Perspectives
- O-035 A New Approach to Assessment and Design of Insensitive Munitions by Analysis of Critical Mechanisms that may be Initiated by Unplanned Stimuli
- O-036 Best Practices for IM Testing
- O-037 THAMES 3.0, The Window to Threat Hazard Assessment
- O-038 The NIMIC IM Testing Approach
- O-039 Some questions about Insensitive Munitions Definitions Assessment and Testing to Impact Stimuli
- O-040 IM Testing - Response Descriptors
- O-041 THAMES 3.0 - The Window to Threat Hazard Assessment (Version 2)
- O-042 A Synopsis of the NIMIC Workshop on Insensitive Munitions (IM) Testing
- O-043 The Safety Assessment of Insensitive Munitions
- O-044(Rev) Can Insensitive Munitions & Hazard Classification Testing be Harmonized?
- O-045 Training Course Report - Part 1: General Presentation on NIMIC and THAMES (En français)
- O-046 The Proposed Full-scale Test Procedures for IM Testing
- O-047 Les documents normatifs de l'OTAN en matière de muratisation: Propositions d'évolutions issues des ateliers NIMIC
- O-048 NIMIC's Approach to Threat Assessment
- O-049 Risk Assessment, IM Assessment and Collateral Damage
- O-050 Outline of the NIMIC Workshop on Small-scale Testing and Modelling (January 2000)
- O-051 Guidance Methodology for Conducting Threat and Hazard Assessment, edited by R. Boulay
- O-052 Composite Case Technology for Tactical Rocket Motors: Overcoming the Technical Roadblocks
- O-053 A Connection Between Shock Sensitivity, Ignition Sensitiveness and System Explosiveness
- O-054 THAMES 3.0, The Threat and Hazard Assessment Methodology System
- O-055 The NIMIC Contribution to the Small-scale Testing and Modelling Workshop
- O-056 The NIMIC Energetic Materials Compendium (EMC)
- O-057 Assessing the Risk and Cost Benefits Associated with the Introduction of IM
- O-058 Synopsis of the Small-scale Testing and Modelling Workshop
- O-059 Enschede: Chronicle of a Disaster
- O-060 Cost Benefit Analysis of the Introduction of Insensitive Munitions
- O-061 Recommendations for Shaped Charge Jet, Munitions Test Procedure - Part 1: Explosives
- O-062 Highlights and Achievements of the NIMIC since November 1999
- O-063 Assessing the Risk Associated with the Introduction of Insensitive Munitions
- O-064 Fragment Impact Testing Requirements, Methods and Issues - Part 1: Representativeness
- O-065 The Use of Small-Scale Testing and Modelling in IM Assessment
- O-066 NIMIC Workshops
- O-067 A Proposed Amendment to the Critical Energy Criterion for Numerical Modellers: the Critical Power Criterion
- O-068 The NIMIC Energetic Materials Compendium (EMC)
- O-069 Recent NIMIC Workshops and Technical Activities
- O-070 Insensitive Munitions Assessment Methodology:a NIMIC/AC-310 joint Workshop
- O-071 Fragment Impact Testing: a Survey of current methods, and Recommendations for the Future
- O-072 NIMIC Activities
- O-073 Insensitive Munitions and Ageing
- O-074 Solid Rocket Propellants for mmproved IM Response- Recent Activities In The Nimic Nations
- O-075 Intrinsic Benefits of Insensitive Munitions
- O-076 NIMIC Nations Collaborative Efforts In Shock Modelling
- O-077 Initial Version NIMIC in a Transition Phase
- O-077 Rev1 NIMIC in a Transition Phase
- O-077 Rev2 NIMIC in a Transition Phase
- O-077 Rev3 NIMIC in a Transition Phase - The transition to MSIAC Final Steps
- O-078 Ageing And Cook-Off - Topics Of Interest
- O-079 Recommendations For Shape Charged Jet, Munitions Test Procedure - Part 2: Gun Propellants
- O-080 Cost Benefit Analysis Studies of the Introduction of Insensitive Munitions: Is IM Cost of Ownership Cheaper?
- O-081 A System Approach to IM For Solid Rocket Motors -Composite Cases and Reduced Sensitivity Propellants
- O-082 Version 2 Energetic Materials for Insensitive Munitions Suppliers Catalogue
- O-083 Insensitive Munition Design Principles
- O-084 NIMIC Nations collaborative Efforts in Shock Modelling - Reactive Models for Hydrocode: Past, Present & Future
- O-085 The NIMIC Cost Benefit Analysis Model: CBAM 2.0
- O-086 Insensitive Munitions - Coming of Age
- O-086 Rev. Insensitive Munitions (IM) - A Key Aspect of Improved Munitions Safety
- O-087 Reduced Sensitivity RDX - Where are we?
- O-088 A Review of the recent IM Design Technology Workshop
- O-089 The NIMIC Excel Worksheets on GAp Tests (NEWGATES)
- O-090 The NIMIC FRAgment Impact Database (FRAID)
- O-091 The NIMIC Cost Benefit Analysis Model: CBAM 2.0
- O-092 The Evolution of NIMIC to MSIAC: new Services & Products to support the International Munitions Safety Community
- O-093 Effect of Ageing upon Insensitive Munitions
- O-094 Insensitive Munitions: The Effect of Ageing upon Life Cycle
- O-095 A Review of the recent NIMIC IM Design Technology Workshop
- O-096 A Review of Thermobarics, Solid Fuel Air Explosives (SFAE) and Reactive Metals
- O-097 New and Evolving IM Threats
- O-098 Reduced Sensitivity RDX Round Robin Programme
- O-099 A Comparison of Vulnerability and Performance of Insesnitive Munitions (IM) and Non-IM Directed Energy Warheads
- O-100 Reduced Vulnerability Minimum Smoke Propellants for Tactical Rocket Motors
- O-101 Camp Doha Accident Presentation and Video
- O-102 Ed4 The Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center (MSIAC)
- O-103 Review of the Use of HTPE in Rocket Motor propellants
- O-104 Ed2 Overview of MSIAC Workshop Examining the Effect of Ageing Upon Insensitive Munitions Across the Life Cycle and the Status of Subsequent IM Ageing Efforts
- O-105 TEMPER: A Toolbox for Engineering Models to Predict Explosive Reactions
- O-106 Relationships Between UN Transportation Test and NATO SsD 1.2.3 and IM Tests
- O-107 Safety Assessment Software (SAS)
- O-108 Bullet Impact Results Database
- O-109 Reduced Sensitivity RDX Round robin Programme - Update
- O-110 MSIAC Workshop on Debris Data, Analysis and Modeling
- O-111 Development of NATO STANAGs and Related Documents for Energetic Materials
- O-112 Lessons from the RS-RDX Round Robin for Future Insensitive Energetic Materials
- O-113 NATO and the Environmental Impact of Munitions
- O-114 The European Union's Strategy for the Protection of Public Structures against Terrorist Explosive Devices
- O-115 Status of Reduced Vulnerability Gun Propellants
- O-116 TEMPER Software from v1.0 to v2.0
- O-117 NATO/PfP/MD Nations' Efforts to Collaborate on Explosion Effects Testing and Modelling
- O-118 BIRD, FRAID and SYR IM Test Results Databases
- O-119 Towards safer munitions with MSIAC
- O-120 Sensitivity of pyrotechnic countermeasure ammunition
- O-121 Magnesium/xenon(II) fluoride (max) A new high energy density material
- O-122 Multi-National Data Exchange
- O-123 Heat & Darts - Slow cook off, Fast Cook off, shaped charge jet impact - Test results databases
- O-124 Modelling of warhead response to projectile impact with TEMPER software
- O-125 IM Response descriptors - An update for assessment processes
- O-126 TEMPER: 2009 Development Roadmap (Toolbox for Engineering Models to Predict Explosive Reactions)
- O-127 IM in a deployed environment
- O-128 Munitions Safety Information Analysis Center and a munition safety timeline
- O-129 Changes to United Nations Test Series 7 for Hazard Division 1.6 Explosive Articles
- O-130 Quantity Distance (QD) Hazard Analysis on Deployed Missions
- O-131 MSIAC and its Contributions to Munitions Safety
- O-132 Combustion Properties of Blackbody Infrared Compositions Based on Perfluoroalkylated Tetrazolates, Magnesium and Viton®
- O-133 Synopric Review of Insensitive Explosive Molecules
- O-134 MSIAC IM Databases - An Efficient Toolbox to Assess IM Signature
- O-135 Changes to UN Test Series 7 For Hazard Division 1.6 Explosives Articles
- O-136 MSIAC Audit Procedures of IM & IM/HC Testing Organizations' Capabilities & Competences
- O-137 Marking Munitions
- O-138 Review on Thermochemical Codes
- O-139 MSIAC Contributions to Munitions Safety, Environmental Response and Design for Safety, Disposal and Demilitarization
- O-140 Munitions Health Monitoring - How to Manage the transition?
- O-141 A Discussion on the Services, Details and Values of the MSIAC Products, to the International Arena of Munitions Safety
- O-142 MSIAC IM Databases: an efficient Toolbox to assess IM Signatures
- O-143 Implementing NATO Guidelines in Multi-National Operations
- O-144 Combustion Behaviour of MTV under Reduced Atmospheric Pressure
- O-145 Consideration of Some 4f-metals as new Flare Fuels - Europium, Samrium, Thulium & Ytterbium
- O-146 Combustion Behaviour of Binary Pyrolants based on Mg, MgH2, MgB2, Mg3N2, Mg2Si and Polytetrafluoroethylene
- O-147 A Discussion on International Harmonisation of the Safety and Suitability for Service Assesment
- O-148 IM Technology GAP workshop Gun Propulsion Technology
- O-149 Superior Infrared Flare Compositions based on Magnesium Diboride (MgB2) and Dimagnesium Silicide (Mg2Si)/Polytetrafluoroethylene/ Viton™ Infrared Decoy Flares
- O-150 Rev.1 Ammunition Accident at the Envangelis Florakis Naval Base, Zygi, Cyprus
- O-151 Shaped Charge Jet Review - Recommendations for the Review of STANAG 4526 EDITION 2
- O-152 An International Review of the Bullet Impact Test
- O-153 Survey on Insensitive Munitions (IM) Response Descriptors
- O-154 Technical Session Paper: Clarification of HD Storage Sub-Divisions
- O-155 MSIAC Safety Assessment Software (SASO)
- O-156 AIMS: Advanced Insensitive Munitions Search
- O-157 The development and future of EMC
- O-159 An international review of the fragment impact test
- O-160 MSIAC Shaped Charge Jet Workshop: Report for IMEMTS, Rome 2015
- O-161 Case Study: Transport and Storage of Insensitive Munitions (IM)
- O-162 Integrated Munition Health Management - A cooperative demonstration of technology
- O-163 Environmental impact of munitions Life Cycle - A case study using Comp B
- O-164 MSIAC Supporting the Munitions Safety Community
- O-165 Mitigation techniques for munitions technical specifications FR-EN
- O-166 - Barricade blockage angle distribution
- O-167 Analysis of the IM type V reponse descriptor_plus annex
- O-168 Projection Criteria for Insensitive Munitions and Hazard Classification
- O-169 Benefits of IM on Storage and Operations
- O-170 MSIAC - Reflection on 25 Years of Supporting the Munitions Safety Community
- O-171 Changes to NATO IM Policy and Full-Scale Testing Documents
- O-172 Turning up the Heat: Science of CookOff Workshop Findings
- O-173 MTM Mitigation Techniques for Munitions - Easy Access Online!
- O-174 MABS2016-Basis of QD
- O-175 Consolidated Guide to Material Parameters needed for IM Modeling and Simulation Efforts - Progress Update
- O-176 Temper Status and Recommendations
- O-177 International Review of the Slow Heating Test
- O-178 Review of Munitions Safety Processes within MSIAC Nations
- O-179 Future Developments of Quantity Distance Standards
- O-180 Probabilistic Aspects of the Initiation of Explosives and Ammunition
- O-181 Gun Testing Ballistics Issues for IM Fragment Impact Testing
- O-182 Ballistics Trajectory and Impact Analysis for Fragment Impact Testing Insensitive Munitons and Hazard Classification Project Criteria
- O-183 Laboratory Setback Activator Tests for Gun Launch Explosive Suitability
- O-184 Ageing and mechanical damage of munition materials
- O-185 Property-processing implications in additive manufactured materials for munitions
- O-186 Prior NATO scientific and technical activities in Munitions Health Management
- O-187 An international review of the use of environmental data loggers in peace-time and operations
- O-188 Property-processing implications in additive manufactured materials for munitions
- O-189 Lifecycle of a Flare Countermeasure
- O-190 Qualification and Energetic Materials Challenges
- O-191 Reaction Mechanisms for Rocket Motors
- O-192 Mitigation Technologies for Propulsion Applications
- O-193 How to Determine TNT Equivalency for Energetic Materials and Munitions?
- O-194 An International Review of Gun Launch Explosive Setback
- O-195 Slow Heating Testing Survey And Historical Events Review
- O-196 Insensitive Munitions Explosive Ordnance Disposal Challenges
- O-197 Gap Test And Critical Diameter Calculations And Correlations
- O-198 NATO Standards And Practice For Munitions Safety And Insensitive Munitions
- O-199 Physical Effects And Consequences From Detonations And Less Violent Munition Responses
- O-200 MSIAC Workshop 2018: Improved Explosives And Munitions Risk Management
- O-201 MSIAC Supporting the munitions safety community IESS MSIAC Overview 2018
- O-202 Results Of The Improved Explosives And Munitions Risk Management Workshop
- O-203 An International Review of the Sympathetic Reaction Test
- O-204 Additive Manufacturing Processes Applied To Energetic Materials
- O-205 Resonantacoustic® Mixing: Processing And Safety (Short)
- O-206 TNT and Blast Equivalency Characterization of Energetic Materials
- O-207 Reaction Mechanisms for Rocket Motors under Mechanical Insults
- O-208 Fragmentation From Detonations And Less Violent Munition Responses
- O-209 Large Caliber Projectile Fill Adherence
- O-210 Non-Hero Microwave Hazards To Munitions
- O-211 Probabilistic Modeling of Initiation due to Fragment Impact
- O-212 Slow Heating Test Thermal Equilibrium and Maximum ReactionTemperature
- O-213 Magazine Loading Density Detonation Estimation
- O-214 MSIAC Workshop 2020 Defects - Causes, Classification and Criticality
- O-215 A Better Use of IM-HC Test Results
- O-216 An Overview of Single Event Testing Methods and Analysis
- O-217 An International Review On Green Insensitive Plastic Explosives
- O-218 Artillery Projectile Prematures Historical Review - Edition 1
- O-219 Improving the MSIAC Gap Test Computational Tool and Database
- O-220 A Taxonomy for the Classification of Defects in Energetic Materials
- O-221 Defects Lexicon Survey Results & Agreed Terms
- O-222 MCYLEX Introduction (MSIAC CYLinder EXpansion Database)
- O-223 An International Review of STANAG 4488 Gap Testing