L-049 Training Course Report - Part 2: Information on GAM EG 13 and GAM DRAM 01&02 (English Version)

August 1998
Olivier Nold (I2ETA)

This document gives a general presentation of GAM EG 13, the official French family of documents about safety and standardization of the French material, regarding the climatic, mechanical and electromagnetic threats. It presents the objective of the document, its organization, its scope and the climatic, mechanical and electromagnetic tests described. Moreover, there is a brief abstract of the research, a brief description of the fellow documents GAM DRAM 01 and 02, and the inclusion of this family in THAMES. There is the correspondance between threats used by THAMES, NATO documents, and the GAM EG 13 family. It is useful to know that GAM EG 13 is divided as following:

  • GAM EG 13 Part One: Tests
  • GAM EG 13 Part Two:
    • Book A: Handbook for Specific Ground Forces Materials;
    • Book B: Handbook for Specific Air Force Materials;
    • Book C: Handbook for Specific Navy Materials;
    • Book D: Handbook for Missiles;
    • Book E: Handbook for Non Specific Materials used by the whole Armies
  • Annex 1 : General Annex of Mechanics
  • Annex 2: Environment Data