L-098 A Threat Hazard Assessment (THA) Methodology

December 2003
Frédéric Peugeot (Detonics and Ballistics)

Depending on the circumstances in which people conduct their work, be it the military or industrial safety environments, the term Threat (and) Hazard Assessment (THA) has tended to have different interpretations and to be conducted using different approaches.

After having confirmed a definition for a THA, a guidance and methodology for conducting a quantitative Threat Hazard Assessment is proposed. It is essential to notice that as this process is a time-based iterative process covering a series of ammunition development phases, confidence in the assessment should increase with time as information becomes available.

In order to give latitude to the reader to make his own decision on this methodology and to create his own worksheet, an easy way to access information is proposed. In other aspects, this will provide the opportunity to tailor this methodology using a combined quantitative and qualitative approach when quantitative data are not available and/or accessible.