L-246 Resonant Acoustic Mixing Performance and Optimization for Energetic Materials

May 2019
Aurihona Wolff (ENSTA Bretagne, MSIAC), Matthew Andrews (MSIAC), Christelle Collet (MSIAC)
Resonant Acoustic Mixing (RAM) is a recent technique that uses low frequencies acoustic vibrations to generate a large displacement in order to mix compounds. Many tests (verification of Relative Standard Deviation, Chemical Imaging, Ultrasonic testing) and experiments are conducted in order to compare the performance of RAM with other traditional mixers. This report presents the results of those experiments and the techniques that are used to assess and evaluate the properties of a mix. Unfortunately, the results are sometimes difficult to interpret and theoretical models are necessary in order to optimize performance. Understanding the parameters that influence the final properties of the mix is crucial. Process parameters (acceleration, time…) and material parameters (viscosity, cohesion…) are described in this report in order to better comprehend the mechanisms. The final goal is to be able to predict a mixing behavior, this seems to be possible through computational simulations. This report provides an overview of the simulation models for mixing cases: continuous models and discretization of elements (in particular Discrete Element Method).

Contact us for more information

Christelle Collet
Propulsion Technology TSO
+32 2 707 54 47
Christopher Hollands
Energetic Materials TSO
United Kingdom
+32 2 707 56 30