L-022 THAMES, Version 2.0 User's Guide

March 1995
Claire Lalancette (System Analyst) , Jason deW FitzGerald-Smith (Warhead Design) , Mike Daehnick (Technical Writer)

THAMES (Threat Hazard Assessment MEthodology Software) is a software programme designed to support the process for evaluating potential threatshazards to military munitions based on the report by Jason Fitzgerald-Smith, "A Methodology for Evaluating Potential Threat Hazards To Military Munitions". It evaluates the range of threats and hazards, including normal and abnormal hazards, any military munition is likely to be exposed to during all possible life cycle environmental profiles: from manufacture through final disposal. The intention of THAMES is to provide the user with the following information:

  • Details of specific munition design safety requirement documents and explanations on all hazard environments;
  • A qualitative identification of potential hazards from perceived accidents, normal and abnormal environments and combat threat scenarios
  • Identification of associated tests, test procedures, test configurations, test severities to evaluate the above hazards;
  • The IM requirement goals or safety acceptance criteria, and the provision of instructional notes necessary to analyze the specific threats.

The process required to evaluate the threatjhazards envisaged for a munition during its perceived life cycle environment is represented as a logic tree as shown in annex A. The logic tree divides the role of the munitions into 3 major branches: logistic phase (manufacture to store and store to operational theatre), tactical phase (deployment and use) and disposal. To account for the different uses of any munition within these phases, the major branches are subdivided into a maximum of 3 branches which are further subdivided into a maximum of 6 branches. To these last branches are attached "leaves" which represent the specific threats considered relevant for each of these branch uses. Throughout this guide, references at various points have been made to the terms "branches" and "sub-branches" to help navigate a course through the "logic tree".
