Update of MSIAC tools for the IM community

AIMS (Advanced Insensitive Munitions Search)

AIMS is the MSIAC web based application that gathers together results from IM tests. Results are arranged by threats and are fully searchable. Recently, 25 new results were added, making the total number of results:

                                                                        Number of results in AIMS by threat

The new results are mainly linked to the integration of the following explosives in several types of munitions:

  • XF-11585 (31% TNT, 27% RDX, 21% NTO, 13.5% Al, 7.5% Wax)
  • IMX-101 (43.5% DNAN, 36.8% NQ, 19.7% NTO)
  • B-2268 B (HTPB, NTO, Al, RDX)

Have a look and find out in which munitions they were tested and what IM signature to expect.

In addition, to improve your experience, the application is currently being upgraded to facilitate its use with tablets and smartphones.


Mitigation Techniques for Munitions

During the year, as was done with AIMS, M3 (Mitigation Methods for Munitions), a compendium of mitigation methods, will be migrated into a web based application.

This new application will improve the user experience by adding several features. The product will be updated online by the administrator, which will allow an increase of the number of techniques available. The searching feature will be improved, allowing the user to make complex queries and searching for more data than currently possible. This product will be accessible via the MSIAC portal (https://portal.msiac.nato.int) later in the year. The main functionalities will be presented in a poster at the next IMEMTS in Rome.